Rate-A-Record: Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Volume

Rate these hard-hitting tracks

Alexander Razin
2 min readOct 27, 2022
Photo by Eric from Pexels

As the title suggests, we’re rating some straight-edge heavy metal. Don’t worry, no screaming (though the hard rock song contains growls at the end.) As much as I love a good guttural scream and pig squeal, I can listen to them in my spare time.

See, I care about you, dear reader.

I write stories for you.

This article is no exception.

The rules for Rate-A-Record are simple. As explained by nonfiction and music extraordinaire Terry Barr,

A place where two teens stood there with Dick [host of American Bandstand], listened to snippets of two songs, and then rated them anywhere from 35–98.

Those are the rules. These are my songs.

Starting with,

Planet B–King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard

The psychedelic rock powerhouse wrote a thrash metal album (Infest the Rats’ Nest), one of their best albums. Not…



Alexander Razin

Aficionado and connoisseur of obscure and experimental music, movies, and TV. Fictional and nonfictional pieces have their place here, too