It took me five years to finish community college. Here’s what you shouldn’t do.

Don’t fall into these traps

Alexander Razin
4 min readJan 7, 2021


By now, parents, guardians, or teachers require many high schoolers to head off to college, get the degree and get a job with the degree. A good number of them enter community college in hoping to finish within two years and moving on to a state or private institution. For few community college students, it leaves them in limbo, spending year after year in community college with the goal to finish, but they can’t seem to. It leaves them wondering, Why is it taking so long? I’ve been in a community college for three years, and I’m nowhere close to finishing. Perhaps you’re doing something wrong and don’t know you are. If you don’t know what the problem is or barely starting, here are few things you shouldn’t do to make your community college experience worthwhile and less time-consuming.

Don’t change your major all the time

When high school students head into college, a good number of them don’t know what to study. That’s fine, the only thing which matters is to get the basic curriculum completed. After that, choose a major in your interest (i.e. English, art, history) and stick with it. If you can’t, choose another, but don’t change it all the time or you’ll never get the degree.



Alexander Razin

Aficionado and connoisseur of obscure and experimental music, movies, and TV. Fictional and nonfictional pieces have their place here, too